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MB BS  FRCS  MLCOM  Dip MS Med  Dip Med Ac  PGcert AT

I qualified in Medicine from Charing Cross Hospital in 1979 and underwent surgical training. I subsequently qualified in Osteopathic Medicine in 1989 and have been involved in Musculoskeletal Medicine since then.

I am particularly interested in Mind Body Medicine and the treatment of stress related  symptoms including TMS.

I am a certified Autogenic Therapist and run AT courses on the NHS at The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.

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Guidance in psychologically based strategies to help with chronic pain and illness.


Currently I am running 8 week  Autogenic Training Course via Zoom.


For more information regarding Autogenic Training consult the British Autogenic Society website





Autogenic Training (AT) is a wonderful tool for positive psychology, resilience and well-being.  AT practice engages mind and body in deep relaxation, reversing the stress response. The resulting altered state of consciousness allows spontaneous, often subtle, psychological and physiological changes. Known as the autogenic process, it’s a unique, natural  experience for each person.
AT is based on the premise that all the internal health-enhancing processes needed to rebalance body and mind are already in place, just waiting to be accessed and put into positive motion by you!

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10 sessions delivered via Zoom.

The course comprises an initial assessment consultation, then 8 weekly sessions, and one follow-up session later.

Fee for complete individual course £660
At pre-course assessment (allow 1 hour +), £120 non-returnable deposit is paid. Balance: £540 (paid £60 each session or total at Session 1)

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